Mindfully coping with stress
Today I want to talk about mindfully coping with stress, something that I fight most days as I have an anxiety disorder. It might help you to do these things as well. Stress is a part of life, certain things…
Good and bad days with chronic illness
The difference between good and bad days with chronic illness can be almost unrecognisable, and yet most people only see us on good days. So lets chat about it. I think most people know someone with chronic illnesses, whether we…
Prioritise self care days
As the holiday season approaches, I thought we would talk about why it’s important to prioritise self care days. This should be all year, but I know what we are all like! Recently my life has changed, the amazing woman…
World Mental Health Day 2023
Yesterday was World Mental Health Day 2023, but here on the blog we believe that every day is a chance to raise awareness so lets talk about it. This year, MIND is raising awareness of how inpatients are treated which…
Some things I wish I realised before my chronic illnesses
Today I thought we would talk about something a little different and look at some things I wish I realised before my chronic illnesses. My life was very different before I became sick, I honestly didn’t really think about sickness…
Pain Awareness month 2023
It is Pain Awareness month 2023 and as I have lived with chronic pain for over twenty years, I thought we would have a chat about it. During Pain Awareness Month 2023, I am reminded that many people get confused…
The fear of chronic illness flares
As I lay here in bed, in the middle of a massive flare, I thought we would chat about the fear of chronic illness flares. I have spoken here a few times about my chronic illness journey, I thought I…
The importance of hobbies when you have chronic illnesses
Today I thought we would talk about the importance of hobbies when you have chronic illnesses because honestly? They will keep you sane! Before I got sick, I didn’t really have any hobbies, unless you count watching DVD box sets…
Five ways to embrace disability
Today I want to talk about five ways to embrace disability, society is so down on us it’s important to look from a different perspective. When I first became disabled I felt like I had to push through, to do…
How practicing mindfulness helps my chronic illnesses
Today as part of Disability Pride Month, I thought we would chat about how practicing mindfulness helps my chronic illnesses. I have lived with chronic illnesses and mental health conditions for most of my life, I always struggled with pain…