• a messy bed with an open book and breakfast spread out on it
    Contributed posts

    How to Pursue Your Passions While Being Mindful of Your Health

    When you’re dealing with health issues, it can often have an overall effect on your health. However, this shouldn’t mean that your life has to change permanently forever. Whether you’ve had lifelong passions that you’d like to get back into or you’ve been recently curious about exploring new interests, you may be wondering how best to do this. It’s important for you to be mindful of your health and as such, it’s essential to find a good balance between the both. Let’s take a look at how. Set Realistic Expectations To begin with, you’ll hugely benefit from setting the right expectations in the beginning. It’s important that you are able…

  • Image description - A blonde woman and a redheaded woman are sat huddled on a brown sofa, there is a large window behind them. They are crying and holding one another
    Mental Health

    Mindfully Coping with Grief

    Today I thought we would have a chat about mindfully coping with grief, as it is something I am currently experiencing. Many of us struggle with the overwhelming emotions and try to escape them by numbing or distracting ourselves. I did this when my grandparents died, and it didn’t go well, so let’s chat about how I am doing things differently this time. My experience with grief I have been lucky in my life; I had all of my grandparents until I was in my mid-thirties, and I even have memories with my great-grandparents. Not many people can say this, and it is certainly something I am extremely thankful for,…

  • tips and tricks

    Easy hobbies to try this winter

    Every season I find myself wanting to really step into it with a plan and an idea of what I want to achieve. I am not someone who likes to just sit around and watch TV without having something to do with my hands. This winter I really want to get into crafting and find things to do that don’t require a screen, so let’s chat about some easy hobbies to try this winter. Why hobbies are important When I became sick and had to stop working, I felt adrift in a world that prioritises what you do for a living. It is usually the first thing people ask when…

  • A desk with a green plant beside it is seen, on the wall behind it is written Punch today in the face. A woman is seen beside a dining table in the background
    Contributed posts

    4 Cornerstones Of Motivation In The Modern World

    Motivation is the driving force that fuels human achievement, creativity, and growth. In our fast-paced, highly connected world, maintaining motivation has become both essential and challenging. With the constant stream of information, distractions, and evolving expectations, staying motivated often requires a deliberate, multifaceted approach. Understanding the key cornerstones of motivation in the modern world can help individuals navigate these complexities to reach their personal and professional aspirations. 1. Purpose and Meaning One of the most fundamental aspects of motivation is a sense of purpose. Knowing the “why” behind actions provides a powerful, intrinsic motivation that goes beyond external rewards. People who understand their purpose are often better able to weather…

  • awareness

    Invisible Disabilities week 2024

    It is Invisible Disabilities week 2024, and once again I feel the need to talk about how we shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Too often medical professionals and the public see us on social media living our lives and trying to have fun and enjoy it, and assume we are faking. This of course, is not helped by the governments of the world saying we are to blame for crumbling economies and used as scapegoats. So, let’s get into the truth. Why Invisible disabilities week matters: With the rise of social media, people in the disabled community can speak out and be seen, this in turn helps others…

  • Money in coins are spilling out of a jar on it's side
    tips and tricks

    Money and mental health

    Most of us know that money and mental health go hand in hand, but being forced to live on benefits is not seen with such compassion. People assume that benefits are easy to get and once you have them, that’s it you are set up and able to chill. But those of us who are disabled and have chronic illnesses know that is not true, so let’s get into it. How money affects my mental health My life changed drastically a few years ago when we had to move in with my mom to help her as she was struggling living on her own. She has multiple sclerosis and previous…

  • awareness

    World mental health day 2024

    This year the theme for world mental health day 2024, is workplace burnout, and I am sure you are wondering what I could know about that! I have been unable to work for over twenty years, but I tried many jobs, and my first job was as a nurse in the NHS. So, let’s have a chat about workplace burnout. My work history and chronic illness journey I qualified as a nurse in 2000, I trained as part of Project 2000 which was started to get more people into nursing to cover a shortage and to make the training more academic. I soon realised that they had taken all of…

  • someone's feet in comfy socks is stood on steps with a blanket and a book open beside the feet and pumpkins the other side it looks like they are stood on wooden steps and we are seeing from above
    Mental Health

    Autumn makes me happy

    I think everyone has a favourite season, whether it’s winter with Christmas and snow, or summer with the sunshine and days out. For me, it has always been Halloween season, autumn makes me happy, and I feel like I wait all year for the change in season. There are many reasons why we love a certain season, I am sure you have your own and please share them in the comments. But for now, I thought I would share why I love autumn so much. How seasons affect chronic illness This blog is full of me talking about my battles with chronic depression, and for me it tends to rear…

  • A man is sat at a table, his head is leant on his hand as he looks out of the window
    Contributed posts

    Some Better Ways To Manage Anxiety

    Anxiety is a very common mental health issue, and the kind that is going to affect all of us in some way at some point in our lives. If you are keen to make sure that you are looking after your own mental health as well as you can, having a way of managing and handling anxiety is certainly going to be an important part of that process. So with that in mind, what are some of the better ways to handle anxiety? Let’s take a look now at some of the methods you might want to be aware of. Stay Mindful One thing that can help a lot with…

  • A person seen from behind, is sitting in a wheelchair, alone on a sunny street.

    The frustrations of being a wheelchair user

    I will be honest, the frustrations of being a wheelchair user are many and though some are individual, many are shared. So, I thought today I would spend a little time explaining about the different reasons someone might use a wheelchair and then my own reasons. Then I will dive into how using a wheelchair can be so very frustrating, so grab your cup of tea, let’s get into it. Who are wheelchair users? Before we get into the frustrations of being a wheelchair user, I thought we would talk about the many reasons why people might use a wheelchair. Most people think only someone who has been born with…

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