• Uncategorized

    Overwhelm in witchcraft

    I am loving my spiritual journey, especially now I know what kind of witch I am and can focus my studies. But recently I have been feeling like I have too much to learn and do and it has been…

  • Mental Health

    Mindfulness is self care

    Inspiration can come from the most unlikely places at times, and today it more or less smacked me round the head! I was staring at my screen, a headache looming, unable to think of what I wanted to say. Then…

  • Health Update

    Life is like a Tapestry

    Hey everybody! Today’s blog post is very much inspired by my friends podcast Hero’s Breath, this podcast is very much opening my mind and I’m very grateful for that. This last week my health has not been great and it…

  • Mental Health,  You tube

    Smiles and good news

    Hey Everybody! Wow this last week has been so lovely here in the UK the sun has been shining its been glorious! And that seems to have influenced me because this week seems to have been filled with smiles and…

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