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3 Mistakes People Make After Losing A Loved One

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Nothing prepares you for the crippling emptiness and pain of losing a loved one. You experience a range of emotions that leave you overwhelmed and stressed. You wonder if you will ever smile again and feel uninspired as the days go by. Though you might have friends and family to lean on, it is easy to feel like no one understands your anguish. During these moments, you might develop tendencies that affect your healing journey and the people who are around you. From shutting your loved ones out to self-sabotaging, these factors can negatively impact and delay your healing process. Here are some common mistakes you should avoid after losing a loved one.

  1. Isolating yourself 

Losing a loved one is hard, and in the middle of grieving, all you want to do is withdraw and hide under a rock. This may not be emotionally or mentally healthy. It is okay to take a break and deal with the confusion and loss. However, cutting everyone off for a prolonged period can be dangerous. You might fall into depression or adopt certain bad habits. Try to understand that your loved ones are keen on offering their support and love. Disconnecting from them will only amplify your feeling of loneliness. Instead, accept their invitation to participate in activities that help you get out of your dark moods and consider joining support groups for professional guidance. Remember, no man is an island, and you need someone who will comfort you. 

  1. Neglecting arrangements

Grieving and planning a funeral can be an unpleasant experience. However, arranging a befitting burial for your loved one is a sign of respect for them. It is essential to speak to their lawyer or next-of-kin to find out if they had any preferences for their funeral before passing away.  If yes, ensure you carry out their wishes. There might be certain aspects of organising that you may not be comfortable with. In this case, you can hire funeral directors who will help you with the arrangements. You can also speak to legal and financial professionals to help you handle legal matters and budget for the funeral. Other family members and friends can send out invitations and alert well-wishers of the unfortunate incident that has occurred.  If you want to carry out the task of arranging a vigil for your deceased loved one, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks when needed so you don’t end up postponing them.

  1. Avoiding the grief

Though grief can make you numb, sometimes it comes with a wave of intensity that you want to escape. During these moments, the urge to suppress it is understandable. However, it is unhealthy. You may be tempted to occupy your time with work or down sadness with alcohol or drugs, which will take a toll on your physical health. Being vulnerable doesn’t make you weak, and going through the stages with empathy and patience for yourself will help you on your healing journey

While death is inevitable, it is natural to feel blindsided and confused when it visits you. With these tips, you can become aware of your actions and try to navigate through your grief.

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