• Mental Health

    meet our new puppy, Twig

    This week has been a big one, meet our new puppy, Twig! I am so excited to share everything about him so grab a cup of tea let’s get to it. You all know my dog Gizmo, my heart dog…

  • Mental Health

    Grieving for my dog

    We said goodbye to our beloved Gizmo, and I really just want to talk about grieving for my dog, so nobody feels alone. We got Gizmo when he was 8 weeks old, and me and my now husband had been…

  • Health Update

    F is for Fatigue

    When I was a child I loved Sesame Street, and at the moment I cannot stop thinking that F is for Fatigue would definitely be one of my words of the day. It feels so overwhelming and I am struggling…

  • daily blog

    Dealing with Painsomnia

    After spending a night in pain and awake I thought we should have a chat about dealing with painsomnia, something those of us with chronic illnesses know a lot about. Last night I went to sleep at about 11pm, and…

  • daily blog

    Finding a rhythm

    As you know, if you have been following recent blog posts and you tube videos, I have moved with my husband to be a carer for my mother. This obviously caused a lot of worry, stress and change to my…

  • Uncategorized

    Lockdown Silver Linings Tag

    Gratitude has always been incredibly important in my life, but since taking time every day to give thanks its so much easier to count my blessings. This practice has helped my mental health so much and taken away that comparison…

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