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How To Keep Calm This Festive Season

Image by Pezibear from Pixabay

Christmas can be a stressful time and this year is no different – in fact for many people it may be more stressful. Some people will be loving the fact that they can’t see as many people as they would normally, while others will be worrying about family members who they aren’t able to see. This year it’s important to remember that not seeing family members is for the greater good and for everyone’s safety, so do what you can and make the most of it. But remember if things do get on top of you this year to follow these helpful tips on how to keep calm. 

Make Lists

Even if you’re not having all the family over, you’re still going to have to provide for those in your household. From gifts to Christmas dinner and all the little extras in between, there is a lot to do and remember so making lists is the best way to keep track of everything. Jotting down reminders can help you feel less overwhelmed and ticking things off as you do them can also help you to feel more accomplished. 

Go Online For Whatever You Can

This year you’ll want to stay away from busy crowds anyway so do whatever you can online to keep your stress levels at bay. If you can do this ahead of time then you will also know in advance what is out of stock and what you might have to pop to the shops for. 

Get Extra Sleep

There are going to be busy days over Christmas as well as late nights and early mornings so grab sleep where you can. If you’re prepared and have done all your shopping and wrapping in good time then get plenty of rest before the festivities begin. You could also take advantage of not working so you can enjoy napping in the day. If you have trouble sleeping then get some help such as cbd gummies which can help you to relax and get a good night’s sleep.

Accept that you will overindulge

Don’t beat yourself up for eating too much chocolate, drinking too much and missing the gym. It’s to be expected and it’s not for long so just enjoy the time while you can, accept you’re going to do it and know that you can get back to your normal healthy routine once the festivities are over. 

Eat well when you can

However, there is also no need to go overboard if you don’t need to. When there is a chance, eat well and you’ll feel good for it. You don’t have to have chocolate for breakfast every day, you can have fruit and yoghurt and it will make you feel good both physically and mentally. 

Get Out Of The House

Make sure that you get plenty of fresh air. Whether you get out of the house on your own (which is absolutely fine) or you go out for walks as a family, it’s important to get plenty of fresh air, some thinking time and some space from all the madness. 

Don’t Put Pressure On Yourself

Enjoy the good moments, and try to laugh about the bad. Christmas doesn’t have to be perfect, what is perfect anyway? So don’t stress about it, just enjoy yourself.

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One Comment


    Christmas. The most wonderful (and the busiest) time of the year. For those self-employed among us, this season is one of ticking off to-do lists, crazy deadlines and all of the Christmas sales. It can be easy to feel the burnout, as we forget to enjoy the festive season, glued to our desks and full of stress.

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