F is for Fatigue
When I was a child I loved Sesame Street, and at the moment I cannot stop thinking that F is for Fatigue would definitely be one of my words of the day. It feels so overwhelming and I am struggling…
The worst flare in a while
I am currently experiencing the worst flare in a while of my chronic illnesses and I am really struggling, so lets talk about how it happened and why its a lesson to learn from. I often talk about my chronic…
When pacing goes wrong
I think we have all had times when pacing goes wrong and end up doing so much more than you meant. It is part of living with chronic illnesses that cause fatigue, and so is the guilt! So I thought…
Muggle sick with chronic illness
A couple of days ago I went on a double date with hubby and some friends, the next morning I woke up with a cold. This time of year when leaving the house is something that you can rarely do,…
Pacing Problems
Hey everybody! This week I have felt all over the place and honestly it had all been because of pacing problems! I think this is something that all chronic illness warriors will agree with me about, pacing is a constant…
Pacing yourself for special occasions
Hey everybody! Yeah so 16th March I turned 40 and I was not exactly happy about it, though with my poor health over the years and my struggles with depression I was determined to enjoy it. This was also my…