daily blog

Finding a rhythm

Finding a rhythm
Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash
[IMG]Image shows a dancer lit in orange light against a black background[IMG]

As you know, if you have been following recent blog posts and you tube videos, I have moved with my husband to be a carer for my mother. This obviously caused a lot of worry, stress and change to my precious routine that helps calm my anxiety disorder. Finding a rhythm has not been easy for all three of us as we have tried to navigate this change.

The dogs, Dexter and Gizmo, on the other hand have loved the move so much! They have a big garden to play in, 2 large fields to walk in and lots of snuggles and treats from their grandmother. She loves having them at the house, especially Dexter who sleeps in bed beside her stopping her ever feeling lonely.

If you are subscribed to my you tube (please go subscribe if you are not already) then you will have seen how my upload schedule has been a little all over the place! I have struggled to find a routine and to keep up with my beloved blog and you tube along with now being a carer.

However, this week has felt different. Strangely things like getting me and mum up and ready for the day has taken less time. Helping her shower has not resulted in me soaking wet and her exhausted. Overall, we have started to find a rhythm and it has made such a big difference to our moods.

Instead, of butting heads and rolling eyes, we have been laughing and joking and my goodness it feels good!

Too often we expect things to make sense and come together right away without really taking the time to settle in. This attitude of rushing, leads to frustration and feeling less than adequate. But inspired by Jonas and Lindsey over at Its a Charming Life, we are trying to slow down our lives.

This move means that my husband can go part time at work and this will give us a lot more time together. We want to go out for fun days out and to spend time baking and having lovely cosy life. At first I felt like I couldn’t cope and nothing would work out, but now we are finding a rhythm and it feels like home.

Namaste xxx

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  • Sue Jackson

    Ah, routine is SO important! I can really relate to all this. My 95-yo FIL has declined rapidly during the pandemic from the isolation. He lives in his own apartment nearby, but my husband has been having to visit twice a day to make sure he is up for meals and caring for himself. It’s been very stressful. It wasn’t practical to move him in here, as we have too many stairs, but we hired part-time caregivers who come in 3 hours a day 5 days a week, so now my husband only needs to visit once a day during the week. We’ve limited his interaction with the rest of the family due to the pandemic, but I try to visit with him outdoors once a week. Things are improving a bit with the extra help. I’m glad you are settling into a routine with your mom and can be there for her.

    Thanks for sharing your struggles and joys!


    New Book: Finding a New Normal: Living Your Best Life with Chronic Illness

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