• daily blog

    Goodbye 2020

    I think a lot of us are happy to be saying goodbye to 2020 this week. It has been such a crazy year for the human race, but today I want to talk about how my life changed. So much…

  • Mental Health

    Stress and construction

    Right now the top half of my home is full of construction workers fixing our roof and replacing the guttering. It is a job that needed doing, but the constant noise and having people around us is really stressful. Stress…

  • Mental Health

    When plans change

    When plans change it can easily trigger anxiety and sadness, two things that I find come up a lot in my life. Living with an anxiety disorder I am used to this and I use a lot of self care…

  • daily blog

    Finding a rhythm

    As you know, if you have been following recent blog posts and you tube videos, I have moved with my husband to be a carer for my mother. This obviously caused a lot of worry, stress and change to my…

  • daily blog,  Mental Health

    Dealing with stress

    Stress is something we all deal with from time to time, especially when you have chronic illnesses that make every day feel like a rollercoaster. But right now I am moving house while we are in the middle of a…

  • daily blog

    Dealing with overwhelm

    The world is in the middle of a pandemic, and yet we are easing lockdown here in the UK, people are asking for radical social change and I am moving house! Right now I am very much dealing with overwhelm;…

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