• daily blog

    Finding a rhythm

    As you know, if you have been following recent blog posts and you tube videos, I have moved with my husband to be a carer for my mother. This obviously caused a lot of worry, stress and change to my precious routine that helps calm my anxiety disorder. Finding a rhythm has not been easy for all three of us as we have tried to navigate this change. The dogs, Dexter and Gizmo, on the other hand have loved the move so much! They have a big garden to play in, 2 large fields to walk in and lots of snuggles and treats from their grandmother. She loves having them…

  • daily blog,  Mental Health

    Dealing with stress

    Stress is something we all deal with from time to time, especially when you have chronic illnesses that make every day feel like a rollercoaster. But right now I am moving house while we are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, and to be honest dealing with stress has lasted a while. I am not alone in this though, lets be honest ever since March when this whole Covid 19 virus ramped up we have all been stressed. It has changed our lives to an almost unrecognisable level, but for people like me who are mainly housebound, it is frustrating. This is because able bodied people are finally seeing…

  • daily blog,  Mental Health,  Uncategorized,  You tube

    Finding my feet

    Finding my feet recently has not been easy, moving in with Mom to become a carer while dealing with my own chronic illnesses never would be! My mother before now has been living alone in my childhood home, and trying to cope with Multiple Sclerosis. It has only been since moving in that we have come to realise that she hadn’t been looking after herself. Rarely showering because she was afraid of falling, no exercise and a diet of mainly ready meals and junk food! This lifestyle has left her with swollen lower legs that make it hard to walk and the beginnings of ulcers and a sore on her…

  • Contributed posts

    Anxiety Management Advice For The COVID-19 Pandemic

    Gauging how well you cope with anxiety happens when the worst-case scenarios hit, and there’s been nothing as significant as the Coronavirus crisis since the end of World War 2. Being put on indefinite lockdown with no way to tell when the situation will end is tense, especially if you suffer from anxiety. Attempting to keep your thoughts and emotions intact is bound to be a challenge because the extent of the pandemic will hit you from all sides. But, this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to cope. Regardless of the incident, remember that you can always use the following tactics. Take It One Day At A Time…

  • daily blog,  Health Update

    Stress with a chronic illness

    Well the pandemic is still happening though governments are easing everything to make money again. We are in the middle of moving house just the contracts to sign and to sort out a completion date. And my dad’s dog who used to be mine died, so lets talk about dealing with stress with a chronic illness. I have to be honest and admit that I have been expecting a big flare, anyone with a chronic illness knows stress is a trigger. I have so much going on right now I kind of feel like I am juggling and getting nothing done. I’m imagining my legs running on the spot like…

  • daily blog

    Dealing with overwhelm

    The world is in the middle of a pandemic, and yet we are easing lockdown here in the UK, people are asking for radical social change and I am moving house! Right now I am very much dealing with overwhelm; That knot of anxiety in my stomach and knowing there is not enough time to get everything done! Moving house is always stressful, it always tops lists of the most stressful things you can do. Our house has very luckily sold quickly something we are so thankful for. Me and my husband are excited for our next chapter together when we move in with my Mom to look after her.…

  • Contributed posts

    Why Mess Only Increases Stress

    Nowadays, life is full of triggers. The best you can do is approach one of them at a time and limit the damage. This means you will rank the stresses in order and importance, and clutter may not be high on the list. Sure, you’d love to have a neat and tidy home or workspace, yet you have more important issues on your mind. At least, that’s what you assume. In reality, the smallest tweaks can eliminate the biggest stressors, and dealing with mess falls into this category. If you want to boost your mental health, here are the reasons mess causes more stress. It Bombards Your Mind Have you…

  • Uncategorized

    Evabelle ring splints review & 10% off

    Hello my loves, if you have been paying attention you may have noticed I have been sporting some lovely jewellery recently! Well today I answer all those who have been asking about it, here is my Evabelle ring splints review. If you have been reading my blog for a while you will know that I was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. This disorder affects the connective tissue in my body, and for me this means I have unstable joints. This is where the ring splints can help, they stabilise the joints that are unsteady and hold them in place. I first saw these splints through watching Christina Doherty and her…

  • daily blog,  Health Update

    Unpredictable British weather causing pain

    Oh yes it is that time of year again, and unpredictable British weather is causing pain! By now I should be used to it, I should be prepared and armed for all occurrences because here we never know what we are going to get! At the start of lockdown against Covid-19, it was hot everyone was moaning because they wanted to go outside and sunbathe and have fun. However, I had hayfever and the bright sun gave me migraines as well as playing with my ME. I was struggling with the heat and without the ability to go thrifting, I had no clothes to wear for the season. I treated…

  • Contributed posts

    Creating The Zen Den You Need For Meditative Bliss

    Meditation has been proven to be a highly effective way to manage your stress and help you learn the mindfulness that can help you navigate life with a better awareness of your own emotional responses to all kinds of stimuli. However, creating the right environment and mood for a meditative session is important. Here are a few tips you should consider in doing just that. Set some time aside What’s most important is that, even if you’re a little tense or distracted initially, you give yourself the time to get through a whole session of meditation. Make it a part of your new daily routine. If you’re taking fifteen minutes,…

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