Winter Resources and Support
The weather is especially cold this year, and I know a lot of people struggle during the holidays, so I have put together some winter resources and support.

Image description: A blurred picture of a row of christmas trees not decorated with snow falling
Most nights, as I snuggle under the covers, I am thankful, I think about my husband, and our warm home where I am not afraid, and I appreciate it. I have not always been in such a lucky position at this time of year, and many people after decades of austerity are not now.
I wish our government, and people in general, were kinder and that society was set up for everyone to flourish and live their best, healthiest lives. But I know that is not a dream that will come true anytime soon.
One of my most successful blog posts was when I wrote about important resources for the holiday season. But years have passed since then, and I feel like it is time to update it, and hopefully it will help someone this holiday season.
Winter Resources and Support:
- Samaritans – Samaritans.org is a safe place to talk when depressed, suicidal or just needing someone to talk to. Call: 116 123 Email: jo@samaritans.org
- Age UK – Age UK is a great resource for anyone who cares for or is elderly. They provide anything from financial advice, help choosing a nursing home as well as providing someone to talk to when isolated and lonely.
- StreetLink – Streetlink exists to help end rough sleeping by enabling members of the public to connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them. This is done via an app on your phone so if you are out and about make sure you have the app on your phone especially as the weather is so cold.
- MeetUp – Meetup is an organisation that allows members to either put together or join groups based on their interests. It can be hard finding friends as an adult, and this time of year can be lonely so why not have a look and make some new friends in your area.
- Web of Loneliness – Web of Loneliness helps raise awareness for loneliness through art which is so cool! It also connects people through the medium and I think that is amazing so if you are an artist why not have a look?
- Mind – Mind and is a supportive online community for a safe place to listen, share and be heard with free mental health support for people in the UK.
- Warm this Winter – Warm this Winter is a campain aimed at asking the government to stop the energy price crisis. If you are struggling to pay your bills, and are worrying about it there is tons of information and resources on their website that I hope will help.
- AbilityNet: Ability Net is a charity that believes everyone should have access to modern technology no matter their age or disability. They provide help through helping people to access the internet, making technology and websites more accessible and have a free helpline.
- Wavelength – Wavelength is a charity dedicated to reducing loneliness and isolation by gifting radios, TVs and tablets to those who need them.
- Stand Alone – Stand Alone is a charity that supports people who are estranged from their family, and Christmas can be difficult when happy families seem to be everywhere.
- Crisis – Crisis is a national charity for people who are experiencing homelessness and have help available through their website if you are struggling this winter.
- Dogs Trust – Dogs Trust are amazing rescue resource for dogs, but they also support homeless people who have dogs. They provide vetinary care, have an online directory of dog friendly homelessness services, and send out presents to homeless dogs.
- Trussell Trust – Trussell Trust is a charity trying to stop anyone feeling hungry in the UK, more people are needing to use food banks now and they have so much information about accessing one near you.
- Scope – Scope are a leading disability charity calling for more equality in the world for disabled people. They have resources available to help disabled people to have a good christmas in a year that sees 1 in 3 people disabled people struggling financially.
I really hope you do not need help this winter, but I am doing what I can to try and provide information, so you have a little less on your shoulders. Christmas comes with a lot of pressure to be happy and surrounded with loved ones and friends, but not everyone has that.
So, this winter please look out for anyone homeless you see, check on friends and family, and why not invite someone round for a cup of tea if you know they live alone. We used to live more as a community and we were happier, so why not take the plunge and let’s get community back into our lives.
I hope this winter is full of happiness and good times for you, and if it is please take a look through this list of winter resources and support and consider donating.
One Comment
Thank you for putting this list together, very helpful for someone who needs it. I always donate to a few charities at Christmas and whenever I can throughout the year. Christmas is advertised as being a happy family event and socialising with friends, but not everyone has those things.