Depression and motivation
Hi Everybody!
First of all I apologise for being a day late in posting this I am struggling with a headache that will not go and I had the day offline to rest…it didn’t work but it was worth a try!
So my depression this year has been hell I am not going to lie I started the year really unwell, then my grandad passed away and since then I have not been coping at all well! I have been trying to keep doing my yoga and eating well but in all honesty it has been sporadic at best!
Now I feel like finally my meds are starting to kick in and I am beginning to see a glimmer of my old self coming back. I have started to want to plan what I am making for who for Christmas presents, and to want to craft again as well as starting to set myself some goals for my yoga practice.
These are big things anyone with depression or has had it even for a short time will know how hard it is to want to look forward or to plan anything at all. I was dreading my first Christmas without my grandad and now I am starting to look forward to it, maybe it is because Autumn is here and the weather is changing so I am feeling more like myself? I am not sure but I do know that I want to keep building on this and keep stepping up and out until I am back to my old self.
Namaste xxx