• Contributed posts

    Practical Ways To Support A Grieving Friend

    When a friend loses a loved one, being there for them can be a delicate task. You need patience, compassion, and understanding to help them process the loss and cope with the heartbreak. Sometimes, you don’t know what to say in the midst of comfort. Grief has many stages and it is an individual experience everyone deals with uniquely. Some withdraw while others spiral. It is essential to show up for your friend in a sensitive manner and recognise how their grief manifests itself. While being a shoulder to cry on can be a great way to support them, here are other ways to help them navigate through a difficult…

  • awareness

    My brain injury story – Brain Injury Awareness Month

    It is Brain Injury Awareness Month and as this has happened in my family, this is my brain injury story. A brain injury can happen to anyone at any time, accidents happen and that is what happened to my parents on holiday. They had gone to Spain to look for property as they were thinking about moving there, they had been many times before. But when pulling out of a junction in a minivan with friends, a car that was speeding hit the side of the car and everything changed! My mom was sitting where the car hit, and though it caused extensive injuries to their friend, I feel more…

  • Health Update

    Frustrated with fatigue

    I have not done a post like this for a while I don’t think, most of the time I try to use my life as a teaching moment here…but I’m just frustrated with fatigue! Looking back, I think I always had some level of fatigue, as I always struggled with keeping up and getting everything done, I wanted, or needed to. But it was manageable, and I honestly thought I just had a level of lazy about me as this was what I was told all the time. But as other Chronic Illnesses have joined the party, and I have grown older I have found myself with fewer and fewer…

  • Mental Health

    Stop the mind games

    Being a content creator seems easy right? Just write a blog post, throw out a video; job done! But after years it’s time I stop the mind games! I have struggled with my mental health my whole life; I had anxiety a lot as a child and struggled being accepted and understood by both kids and adults around me. Back in the 1980’s though, there was not much emphasis on mental health and in my whole school there were like three students who had anything that was known. However, looking at children today and the fact that 10% of children between 5 and 16years old have a diagnosable mental health…

  • Contributed posts

    How to Use Mindfulness To Navigate Grief

    Being told that somebody close to you is never coming back can be an impossible emotion to navigate. Experiencing grief at any stage in your life is never easy, and you’re well within reason to feel every emotion as it comes to you. Practicing mindfulness when you’re trying to navigate grief is a useful tool that has helped numerous people through the most difficult times in their life. If you’re not really sure what mindfulness is, but you want to make the most of this wholesome technique, this is the right place to begin. Some of the ideas below will help you to use mindfulness on a day to day…

  • Contributed posts

    Protecting Your Mental Health During Unexpected Life Moments

    Throughout your lifetime you are going to be tested in a number of ways that you would never expect. You can plan for so many different things to happen, but you cannot always be as prepared as you’d like to be. Protecting your mental health during these unexpected moments in life will help you to remain clear-headed, strong and sure of yourself. Whether you’re working through the death of a loved one, or you’re dealing with disappointment, some of the following ideas and techniques will help you to be mindful of your own mental health no matter what. Never Feel Alone With What You’re Experiencing When life hits you with…

  • Contributed posts

    5 Preparations To Make When a Family Member Is Gravely Ill

    You never want to think the worst or make plans for a scenario that may not happen, but when a loved one is gravely ill, there are certain practicalities you need to consider. Before you work through your emotions and start to experience feelings of grief, you can start making preparations ahead of time. Whether they’ve been chronically sick for a while, or they’re quickly deteriorating from a sudden illness, now is the right time to put a couple of advanced plans in place. Not only will this help you to deal with the inevitable later down the line, but you will also be sure that your family member has…

  • Health Update

    Learning to rest

    Knowing that my body is struggling, doesn’t mean that I find it easy to slow down, no I’m still learning to rest!! I spoke last week about how my health is doing right now, and no it isn’t good to be honest it’s a struggle. Dealing with myalgic encephalomyelitis as well as long covid is like trying to stay awake for a week while living a normal life! As well as trying to keep my YouTube channel going, I’m a disabled carer for my mother and I have hobbies. I’ve spoken before how important hobbies are, but it’s not easy to do them when your body just wants to nap!…

  • Health Update

    Starting off the year with pain

    Hello 2024, except I’m starting off the year with pain and it is not something I can just push through so let’s chat about meeting expectations. Life with chronic illness is never easy, I have spoken a lot about how I cope with it here on the blog, and generally I cope well. I am on good pain medications that usually manage my pain and have for years, as well as using things like CBD, exercise, and meditation so far it had worked. However, at the start of the year I am finding that to no longer be true and honestly, I am unsure of how to move forward. I…

  • Mental Health

    My goals for 2024

    It is a new year, and I thought we would start off the year talking about my goals for 2024, and no I don’t mean resolutions! Now, as I have discussed in a previous YouTube Video, resolutions don’t work, and as I read previous posts about this I know I goals have not changed too much. However, I do want to share my plans an goals for the year because I want to manifest my best year! My Goals for 2024 Personal goals: I think we all have things we want to do in our lives and here are mine and how I plan to do them My Blog and…

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