• awareness

    Disability representation on Doctor Who

    We all want to see ourselves represented on TV and in movies, but often we are disappointed, until we saw the disability representation on Doctor Who let’s chat about it.   I have been a fan of Doctor Who since I was a child, my first Doctor was played by Peter Davison, and though I didn’t watch all the seasons that changed when it was restarted. The new version of Doctor Who is amazing and includes some of my favourite characters, and so I want to say I was already a fan. However, the show has not always represented the disabled community well, they have often had them played by…

  • awareness

    Winter Resources and Support

    The weather is especially cold this year, and I know a lot of people struggle during the holidays, so I have put together some winter resources and support. Most nights, as I snuggle under the covers, I am thankful, I think about my husband, and our warm home where I am not afraid, and I appreciate it. I have not always been in such a lucky position at this time of year, and many people after decades of austerity are not now. I wish our government, and people in general, were kinder and that society was set up for everyone to flourish and live their best, healthiest lives. But I…

  • Mental Health

    Mindfully coping with stress

    Today I want to talk about mindfully coping with stress, something that I fight most days as I have an anxiety disorder. It might help you to do these things as well. Stress is a part of life, certain things make it worse, but we have all dealt with stress at one time or another in our lives. I grew up not knowing that I had an anxiety disorder, and honestly wondered how people coped in life if everyone was as scared as I was every day. Often I would be sick before school, and hated having to go anywhere alone as I was afraid I would get lost. As…

  • accessibility

    Things I wish people wouldn’t say about my chronic illnesses

    In this weeks post, I thought I would talk about things I wish people wouldn’t say about my chronic illnesses. This is an important one for people in the street!! Most people who know me well, don’t chat much about my chronic illnesses because honestly it’s not the most exciting or interesting thing about me. Thankfully it can blend into the background and I can just be me. However, when meeting new people or being out of the house, I often find myself on edge and anxious about the people who will see me. Will they make assumptions about me based on how I am walking, if I am using…

  • Health Update

    Good and bad days with chronic illness

    The difference between good and bad days with chronic illness can be almost unrecognisable, and yet most people only see us on good days. So lets chat about it. I think most people know someone with chronic illnesses, whether we realise it or not, it could be a family member or that quiet woman at work. Many people who struggle with them try their best to not be a burden, myself included. Being a carer for my disabled mom, I rarely ask for help unless it is from my husband  who is wonderful at looking after us both. And because family do not see me on a bad day, they…

  • Mental Health

    Prioritise self care days

    As the holiday season approaches, I thought we would talk about why it’s important to prioritise self care days. This should be all year, but I know what we are all like! Recently my life has changed, the amazing woman who redesigned my blog,  YouTube and social media has become one of my closest friends. She introduced me to roleplaying and table top games, and I started going to a club for it once a week. However, in order to be able to do this, I have had to start prioritising self-care or it would have resulted in my illnesses getting worse. I already look after my mom and run…

  • Contributed posts

    Key Tips For Helping Someone With A Chronic Medical Condition

    Living with a chronic medical condition can make many aspects of life harder than they need to be. People with chronic conditions will need more support than the average person, but how do you help them? It can often feel like an impossible task as you know the person is struggling or in pain, yet you also know that their problem will never go away. You start to feel helpless of assume that there’s nothing you can do to help.  Some people go the other way and become overly helpful. That may sound weird, but anyone with a chronic condition reading this will know what it means. Yes, people want…

  • accessibility

    Items that help me live with chronic illness

    Shockingly I have never spoken about the items that help me live with chronic illness, but it’s important to share what gets us through the day. So, my life is lived I refuse to just survive or push myself through the day I want to enjoy my life with the chronic illnesses that I have. I love to visit museums and I vlog my days out on my YouTube channel, and I write about how accessible it was here on the blog. I know the media likes to paint us as people who just do not want to work and would rather sit watching TV all day. However, I know…

  • awareness

    World Mental Health Day 2023

    Yesterday was World Mental Health Day 2023, but here on the blog we believe that every day is a chance to raise awareness so lets talk about it. This year, MIND is raising awareness of how inpatients are treated which has not been updated since the Mental Health Act was written 40years ago. So much has changed since then, from within the medical community to how society views mental health issues. It might have surprised you then to see how long it has been since the laws were created and have not been revised. I started to struggle with my own mental health when I was at school, I always…

  • awareness

    Some things I wish I realised before my chronic illnesses

    Today I thought we would talk about something a little different and look at some things I wish I realised before my chronic illnesses. My life was very different before I became sick, I honestly didn’t really think about sickness unless I had a cold or something. Back then there were signs of illness gathering, but I never connected the dots and I didn’t really do much to look after myself. I struggled with eating back then, often skipping meals or eating very small portions so that I wouldn’t put on weight. I did not think about the impact of my lifestyle on my health, or how my chosen profession…

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