When emotions make you feel lost

Hey everybody!
Wow I sometimes feel a little frazzled and a little lost, like I am too small for this world and I don’t know what I am doing. I have generalised anxiety disorder, which basically means my mind makes me feel anxious all the time and my body is always in fight or flight mode! Even without Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that in itself is pretty exhausting!
So right now my anxiety is really kicking up a storm, I am learning things about my childhood that I either blotted out or was in denial about and my Grandmother is in a hospice coming to the end of her life. Seeing her so thin with Leukaemia and her dementia really playing her up is so hard because she was always such a strong woman in my life.
I remember her telling me that she once spent time in a mental health facility back in the 1960s I think it was. Back then they were not cared for or looked after very well and she had been ashamed of her experience. However, knowing that she too had a breakdown and suffered with depression somehow gave me strength and left me feeling less alone when others around me were saying I was just being difficult or dramatic.
My grandmother was the person who taught me about God and faith and how I can cling to God in the hard times. Many hours were spent with the two of us looking things up in the bible to answer the very deep and searching questions I was not sure how to answer. She would even call vicars she knew and ask them if they could help and she was just always there to turn to for answers….she made the greatest mince pies in the world too!!
But now I have to come to the realisation that there will be no more mince pies, and without her and Grandad nobody to call on to answer my many questions…I feel kind of adrift in the ocean of life, my grandparents were my anchor and compass and now I am out there alone and I don’t even know how to use a compass! I guess right now I am feeling a lot of emotions and to try and get this all to make sense is really really hard!
However, I am not someone to take emotional upheaval lying down, I am a fighter and I know that this is just another step on my journey. I might feel overwhelmed and lost right now, but so long as I keep the things they taught me close to my heart I cannot go far wrong. I will keep my eyes on God, and I have my own bible so I can search through to find the answers it just won’t be quite as fun!