• Health Update

    When fatigue flares

    Moving house is always stressful and difficult, even if you don’t have chronic illnesses it can take it’s toll. When fatigue flares it can leave you feeling frustrated and annoyed, or trying to push through so you can get things…

  • Mental Health

    Taking time to rest

    Hey everybody! Wow this last week my fatigue has been pretty bad and honestly I think I have caught a little cold! Now this might seem like I am making something big of a small thing, but it has increased…

  • Uncategorized

    Frustration with Fatigue

    Hey everybody! So like I mentioned earlier this week, my fatigue has kicked things up a notch and I am really hoping this is just a flare to do with the anaemia I have been put on iron tablets for.…

  • Uncategorized

    Ups and downs

    Hey everybody! Well December has arrived, and we are all reflecting back on the year, while either dreading or getting excited for Christmas. As we look back we realise we all have times where we struggle but it is rarely…

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