• Mental Health

    Awareness months matter

    Today my best friend made me cry, she sent me a BBC news article about chronic pain and how sufferers are treated. It reminded me why raising awareness means so much to me and why awareness months matter. I felt…

  • Reviews

    Updated Rollz Motion Review

    I had a message on Instagram from Rollz asking me if I would be able to do an updated Rollz Motion review, and I of course said yes. This is a wonderful little mobility aid that packs a punch and…

  • Uncategorized

    Frustrated with the system

    So in advance I must apologise, due to me feeling so frustrated with the system this article is going to be more of me venting than my usual helpful posts. I hope you can forgive me this once, and maybe…

  • Mental Health

    Invisible Disabilities Week 2021

    It is Invisible Disabilities Week 2021 and as an advocate, carer, and person with invisible illnesses I wanted to talk a bit about my own experiences. I hope this article helps you to feel a little less alone. I am…

  • Uncategorized

    Pain awareness month

    Pain awareness month is an important time of the year for advocates, we can take the opportunity to raise awareness for the fact that chronic pain is not like acute pain. There are so many different definitions, and statistics and…

  • Mental Health

    Taking some me time

    I think we all live with guilt when we take a day for ourselves, it’s ingrained in our society to always be working and grafting even if we are sick. But taking some me time is so important for our…

  • daily blog

    One of those days…

    Yes, today is one of those days, you know when everything hurts and you feel like you could nap for about a year quite happily. So instead of heading to bed, I thought we would talk about it. Most of…

  • Uncategorized

    My illnesses awareness month

    There are a lot of things I am not good at, including riding a bike, but the main one is remembering dates, birthdays etc. I really suck at it, still it was impossible to escape my notice this month that…

  • Mental Health,  You tube

    Smiles and good news

    Hey Everybody! Wow this last week has been so lovely here in the UK the sun has been shining its been glorious! And that seems to have influenced me because this week seems to have been filled with smiles and…

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