• Contributed posts

    5 Essential Tips for Maintaining Visual Health

    Good vision is vital to your overall well-being. However, maintaining good eyesight requires that you form good eye care habits. Thankfully, most of these habits are neither expensive nor difficult to develop. Here are a few key things you can do to improve your visual health.  How to Improve Your Vision 1.  Get Regular Eye Examination  Regular eye examinations are vital in protecting your vision. Only through such tests can eye problems be detected and dealt with early before they become serious issues. Ensure that you have an eye checkup at least once a year to forestall potential eyesight troubles.  If you have eye problems, you may get a prescription…

  • Mental Health

    Trying to be a Trans ally

    This post is a collaboration with my friend Artie over at artiecarden.com and don’t forget to check out their You Tube channel as well. Trying to be a trans ally is not easy, it can be scary and leave you feeling overwhelmed with the language and uncertainty of what to say. However, when you put that against how they feel facing the world, it is so worth trying. You might read todays blog post and think it is different to my usual content, but is it really? I often speak about mental health, and after reading the Stonewall trans key stats talking about being an ally is needed more than…

  • Mental Health

    Mindfulness is self care

    Inspiration can come from the most unlikely places at times, and today it more or less smacked me round the head! I was staring at my screen, a headache looming, unable to think of what I wanted to say. Then I realised mindfulness is self care, if we realised this maybe we would put more time and effort into learning to use it? I started my mindfulness journey not long before I started this blog in 2016, and to be honest I am still not full time mindful. However, I love finding those totally immersive in the moment moments and how utterly happy they make me. It is those moments…

  • Contributed posts

    Learn How To Cope With An Incurable Illness

    It is incredibly difficult to come to terms with the fact that you have an illness that cannot be cured. The day you receive a diagnosis like this, your whole life shifts and your world is changed forever. That’s why it’s important to understand how to cope and learn the steps that you should be taking. Things are never going to be easy from this point on, but they certainly don’t need to be a nightmare.  Live Your Life First, it’s important that your life doesn’t just stop if you have an incurable illness. You need to shake the depression as quickly as possible to make the most of your…

  • Contributed posts

    Self-care, it is more than just a hot bath

    We know that self-care is about looking after yourself. But there is more to it than just a facemask or a warm bath. Although those things certainly do the trick when it comes to making you feel good, for that deep down happy? There is more that you can do.  Emotional Care Sometimes the world can be overwhelming, and that is certainly the case for many people in 2020. Often, we are too busy taking care of others and ticking things off our to-do lists to leave our emotions on a shelf. However, you can only bottle things up for so long before it comes spilling over.  Learning how to…

  • Uncategorized

    Getting back to exercise

    Exercise has been important to me for many years now and for a long time I did yoga every day. Looking after my joints and muscles helps my pain and protects my hypermobile joints. But with increased fatigue, and moving house that changed and getting back to exercise has become a priority. I have found since moving and helping my mom, that my own pain and fatigue have increased. This was of course expected, but meant that a lot of things I found important had to be put on the back burner. However, my mom is doing a lot better now, her legs are not as swollen and cellulitis has…

  • Uncategorized

    Migraine awareness week 2020

    It is migraine awareness week 2020 and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share a little about migraines that I have learned. This week is organised by The Migraine Trust and hopes to decrease stigma of the condition. What are migraines? Migraines are a headache with sensory disturbances that leave the brain struggling to process information from our senses. They are extremely complex and everyone experiences them differently, but a very bad headache is usually present. This difficulty processing can lead to double vision, lights and blurred vision, sickness, nausea, and sensitivity to light, sounds and smells. There are different types of migraine, some with aura and…

  • Contributed posts

    Life On The Other Side Of Mental Illness

    When you’re in the throes of mental health challenges, you can feel like there’s no end in sight. You’re “taking it one day at a time,” you tell yourself, and just doing the best you can.  Sometimes, though, it is worth reminding yourself that there is a world on the other side of mental health problems. Health problems can feel infinite while you’re in the midst of it. But then one day, you wake up, and the birds are singing, and suddenly, everything just feels okay. It turns out that there is a world outside of your mind that you’re free to enjoy after all.  Thinking about the other side…

  • Health Update

    When fatigue flares

    Moving house is always stressful and difficult, even if you don’t have chronic illnesses it can take it’s toll. When fatigue flares it can leave you feeling frustrated and annoyed, or trying to push through so you can get things done. Weeks of packing followed by moving in and becoming a carer have left me struggling for energy. I live my life walking a tightrope between those things every day at the moment, frustrated and seeing how much I can do before I crash. However, neither is an ideal way to live, and if you are undiagnosed it is always best to see a doctor. There can be many reasons…

  • daily blog

    Finding a rhythm

    As you know, if you have been following recent blog posts and you tube videos, I have moved with my husband to be a carer for my mother. This obviously caused a lot of worry, stress and change to my precious routine that helps calm my anxiety disorder. Finding a rhythm has not been easy for all three of us as we have tried to navigate this change. The dogs, Dexter and Gizmo, on the other hand have loved the move so much! They have a big garden to play in, 2 large fields to walk in and lots of snuggles and treats from their grandmother. She loves having them…