• awareness

    Carers Week 2023

    I have been an unpaid carer now since the start of the pandemic, and my husband has been an unpaid carer for me since we met over a decade ago. It is Carers Week 2023, and time we talked about…

  • Mental Health

    Self care for carers

    I think the importance of self care for carers cannot be underestimated, you cannot keep giving without looking after yourself as well. So as a disabled person with a carer (my husband) who is also a carer (my mom), I…

  • Mental Health

    If I woke up well tomorrow

    This week I thought I would do something different and talk about what I’d do if I woke up well tomorrow… I try not to think about this, to ponder on how I would change my life if I was…

  • awareness

    World Continence Week

    This World Continence Week let’s talk instead of being shy and be open about my journey hopefully it will help you. I was in my early twenties when I first became sick, and at first it just affected my left…

  • awareness

    Disability is not a choice

    Disability is not a choice; our government seems to think otherwise as if we didn’t just come through a deathly worldwide virus! Grab your tea let’s unpack this! Rishi Sunak, a multi-millionaire, stood at a podium and declared an end…

  • Health Update

    Frustrated with fatigue

    I have not done a post like this for a while I don’t think, most of the time I try to use my life as a teaching moment here…but I’m just frustrated with fatigue! Looking back, I think I always…

  • I am feeling overwhelmed

    Life can be stressful at times, and I must be honest and admit that I am feeling overwhelmed so let’s talk about it. So, I have spoken before here on the blog about being a disabled carer, it is something…

  • Health Update

    Learning to rest

    Knowing that my body is struggling, doesn’t mean that I find it easy to slow down, no I’m still learning to rest!! I spoke last week about how my health is doing right now, and no it isn’t good to…

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