
January Favourites!!

Hey everybody!

So January is done where did it go?? Blimey that just flew by! But I did try some new things and really started to get out of my comfort zone and tried to look after my body and my health a bit better. This is a learning curve and something I want to grow in but I did not do too badly so here are my January favourites!

The Book of Hygge – Now I realise this is a bit of a ‘thing’ at the moment but I bought this on a whim while browsing in Waterstones. I have to be honest and say I am really enjoying it, it is definitely changing the way I look at things. I am starting to wear clothes that I usually save for going out or for best if I go somewhere and I am taking more time over the small things and trying harder to be present when I am with people. It is certainly inspiring me to get off my ipad or phone and just relaxing with the people I love more!

Craft Club Box – I got a sewing machine of my own for Christmas, this is part of me trying to get more into crafting and to learn new skills. So the problem was I had no idea what to make or how to learn…then I stumbled across this subscription box, you pay a certain amount a month and they send you everything you need to make a new project every month! I just got my first box and I am so excited to learn how to use my machine and to learn some new skills.

Lush – I think anyone with a chronic illness will find they get tired of it and there are times when nothing can help the pain or relax the muscles…you know what I mean…so I thought I would try baths again! It is hard to get in and out of a bath and without my husband to help it would be impossible! However, Lush bath melts and bath bombs make the whole thing feel like I am at a spa and so relaxed, they smell yummy and I just cannot get enough!!

Funky Soap Shop – This shop makes handmade soaps, shaving foam, shampoo bars, dog shampoo and tons of other things too! Their bars are so lovely to use, my hair is thicker using their shampoo bars and my dog is not scratching as much since using their shampoo! I wrote a review in a past post and I stand by it their stuff is a definite favourite!

Aloe caring roll on deodorant – This Body Shop product has been essential to me since I bought it late December! I do not wear deodorant if I am just around the house, but when I go out I do and I was finding that my armpits were often dry, and sore, they were itchy and had rashes. I tried a few different products including Hippy Paste but nothing helped…then I went to the Body Shop and asked if they had any soothing deodorant and the lady working there suggested this. It smells lovely, it has caused no irritation and all of the symptoms I was having have gone, if you suffer like I did definitely give this a try!

Engevita nutritional yeast – I have wanted to try this yeast for a while, it is something vegans use to get their B12, it can be sprinkled on salads and pasta as well as used to make vegan cheese sauce because it has a cheese taste. I was sceptical but I bought some to make a recipe by one of my favourite You Tubers Simply Quinoa and I just loved it, I even sprinkled it on my pasta the other day instead of using cheese!

Oruvail Gel – My doctor prescribed this gel to put on my thumb until I can get an appointment with the physiotherapists, it has been a God send honestly my thumb is so painful at times and stops me gripping things, opening packets urgh just lots of things even dressing myself is difficult! This gel is great and I would be lost without it this month as I wait for an appointment.

Graze – Like most people I love to snack, I often find I need to have something sweet with my tablets and Graze along with the next items really hit the spot!

Naked Bars – I need to take something with my tablets and I want something that is still healthy both of these products are yummy and do not contain chemicals and false flavours, they are not processed and yes if you want to be healthy but still eat nice things these are the way to go!

BH Cosmetics galaxy chic – I love watching beauty You Tubers, I love make up, but I have never bought expensive proper make up because I have never been able to afford it. However this year in the sales I got this palette and it is stunning! I have created some really pretty looks using it (check my Instagram) the colours are so vivid and yes I just love it!

And there we have it the things I have needed, treated myself with or just discovered this last month, all items are linked apart from the one I got prescribed by my doctor. Nothing here was sponsored it is all just things I personally liked and thought maybe you would too. If you use anything let me know what you think and also what were your favourites of January?

Namaste xxx

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