• You tube

    Its Ehlers-Danlos Awareness Month

    Yes it is that time of the year again when all of my illnesses have their awareness month! This year I thought I would concentrate on one illness a week or I might get overwhelmed. So this week its Ehlers-Danlos…

  • You tube

    Chronic Migraines

    Chronic migraines are a problem for so many people, and something I have suffered from for a long time myself. I thought it was about time I did an article about triggers and how I deal with them. In doing…

  • Reviews,  You tube

    Working with a mindfulness journal

    I have been practicing mindfulness for a while now, hence the name of this blog! However, working with a mindfulness journal had not crossed my mind until Gina Buckney emailed me. They sent me their Daily Mindfulness Journal to review…

  • Health Update,  You tube

    Push for what’s right

    Last week was not the easiest, I had to go to court to fight to get my disability benefits back. It was so stressful, and caused a flare, but sometimes you have to push for what’s right. I was surprised…

  • You tube

    Let’s talk about mobility aids

    Let’s talk about mobility aids so that’s things like walkers, walking sticks, crutches, wheelchairs of all the various kinds. Anything that helps us get around in the chronic illness community a lot of people use them not all wheelchair users…

  • Mental Health,  You tube

    Smiles and good news

    Hey Everybody! Wow this last week has been so lovely here in the UK the sun has been shining its been glorious! And that seems to have influenced me because this week seems to have been filled with smiles and…

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