• Contributed posts

    The power that music holds

    My name is Will Crawford, the creative director and founder of quietnote, a company which sets out to make mindfulness and meditation practices more accessible through the power of music. I personally believe that through music anything is possible. To…

  • Health Update

    Health Update

    I always find these posts important to write but difficult to write, I am not sure why but here is a health update. I will also be chatting a little about how being a carer has affected me. I have…

  • Mental Health

    Fostering cosiness for mental health

    Cosiness is something that feels good, just picturing it in your mind, makes you feel safe. Fostering cosiness for mental health is so important during these cold and drab winter months. I recently watched a wonderful video on It’s a…

  • Mental Health

    When plans change

    When plans change it can easily trigger anxiety and sadness, two things that I find come up a lot in my life. Living with an anxiety disorder I am used to this and I use a lot of self care…

  • Mental Health

    Mindfulness is self care

    Inspiration can come from the most unlikely places at times, and today it more or less smacked me round the head! I was staring at my screen, a headache looming, unable to think of what I wanted to say. Then…

  • Uncategorized

    Getting back to exercise

    Exercise has been important to me for many years now and for a long time I did yoga every day. Looking after my joints and muscles helps my pain and protects my hypermobile joints. But with increased fatigue, and moving…

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