Attempting to heal chronic fatigue

Hey everybody!
First of all, Happy New Year! Yes it is 2018 and there is so much to look forward to and be inspired by when it comes to the start of a new year!
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a woman called Zoe who has constructed an online six week course because she managed to cure herself of her chronic fatigue. She wanted to ask for a little advice about the website and we got to chatting. Now this post is not sponsored this is all my own wording until I hand it over to a few words she sent me, however she allowed me to take part in the course for free in exchange for me talking about my experience here on my blog and my You Tube Channel.
Now I am always sceptical when someone claims to be able to cure an illness, however I am also someone who would rather try and fail than to never try at all. So over six weeks of the course I will be doing weekly videos on my You Tube about how I am getting on, and then at the end I will post here how I am feeling, and just a general review of the course.
I am extremely hopeful and things worked out so that here January 1st 2018 I am going to be starting the online course. This is something I have been looking forward to and I am hopeful you will subscribe to be on You Tube and follow along as I try out Zoe’s course!
Heal Chronic Fatigue Course and Community
A message from course leader, Zoe:
“The Heal Chronic Fatigue Course came about once I had recovered from several years of severe ME/CFS. I wanted to let others know that it is possible to fully get better and to share my knowledge of healing techniques that have worked for me and for others. One of the hardest things about this illness is the sense of isolation and this is something else I really wanted to change.
The number one message I would like to share with people who have ME/CFS or any kind of fatigue-based illness right now is that it can get better. I know how hard it feels when there seems to be no sign of hope or improvement – but please know that, no matter how long it has been, things can still turn around. I also want you to know that you are not alone. All over the world, hundreds of thousands of people with ME/CFS are listening to the still, small voice inside which tells them that they deserve better health. It’s important to understand that there is no convenient external ‘cure’: healing is an internal process and it can be challenging, but that is why we are a community with such a strong focus on supporting one another.
In my experience, when people with fatigue-based illnesses gather together to learn and share the healing methods that have worked for them, an incredible shift in health consciousness occurs. This involves taking back power and responsibility for our own experience. I understand that this idea can be hard to come to terms with, especially if we have been ill for a very long time, but most people report that feelings of empowerment are a huge, huge catalyst for healing.
The course itself covers three main topics in detail: cognitive, nutritional, and emotional health. We discuss the lifestyle patterns that create and promote fatigue-based illnesses and the corresponding patterns which heal those illnesses. We’ve had extraordinary positive reviews so far from our members and from health professionals. It’s a new model for treating chronic illness – one that focuses on healing the cause, not just the symptoms.
I’m really looking forward to partnering with Beverley and following her journey on the course. I wish her all the best and I know that she will be able to provide some truly valuable insight as well. So, watch this space!
For more information on the Heal Chronic Fatigue Course, please visit: You’ll find details about what the course includes, our community, my background, frequently asked questions, and our inclusivity scheme. We know that everyone deserves and has the potential to get better. So, do join us and be part of the movement!”
- Zoe B. C. Emma is a certified Complementary Medicine Practitioner, with qualifications in Nutrition, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.
Wish me luck!!
Namaste xxx