daily blog,  Mental Health

Christmas day with chronic illness

Hey guys!

First of all I want to say that I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day if you celebrate and that you are enjoying the holiday season!

My Christmas day was really nice, I honestly was very tearful Christmas eve because of missing my Grandad and wishing he was here. However, Christmas day my Dad and his girlfriend Linda bought my Nan over and we opened presents. I made everything I gave this year and I think they liked them, I did get the feeling they preferred the presents they got from Linda’s daughter Heidi because they talked about them a lot all day and never mentioned what I had made. I felt proud of myself for not letting it get me down and trigger negative thoughts though and I still feel good about that.

We went out for dinner for the first time ever this year, and we honestly loved it! There were about 12 of us there and I sat next to my Nan and we just chilled and chatted and had a lovely time. I was feeling good I had rested a lot over the days before to save up my energy so I could enjoy the day and I am so glad I did.

By the time we had eaten the food I was feeling pretty drained and kept doing the ‘zombie stare’ into space which means my brain is taking a nap and I am on autopilot, a feeling other Spoonies will know well! By the time we got home I was ready to go to bed, it wasn’t late but it was dark outside about 6pm so I went to bed and we watched TV and just chilled out.

Now it is 3 days later and I am feeling it still! I am in a lot more pain in my arms and legs and my fatigue is pretty bad so I had a lie in this morning and I feel a bit better for it. Tomorrow we are going to hit the sales, I will be in my wheelchair because I cannot walk far enough and people could knock me over so it is just easier and safer to do it in my chair.

The only really new thing is a lot of pain in my right thumb joint, it is not like fibro joint pain so I think when New Years is out of the way I will try and get in at the doctors and get it looked at. I always think new symptoms it is best to get checked it might be part of your existing illness, but just in case it isn’t I like to get the doctor to look.

I will let you all know how the sales went when I update on Sunday, hope you all have a lovely few days!

Namaste xxx

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