Feeling let down by the NHS

Hi everybody!
So this is a difficult thing for me to say, I was trained as a nurse in the NHS and I worked with them for a couple of years before I got sick. I love that we have a national health service that is free on point of contact, anyone here can be seen and treated for any health condition without having to worry about how to pay. I hate that the Conservatives are starving it of money and resources but I hope that it can be saved because healthcare should not be something you forego because of the cost!
When I first became sick I was treated for an infected insect bite, but honestly they did not know what was wrong or why my left leg was numb and painful. I was referred to many doctors before I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2005 if memory serves. I saw therapists, MS specialist nurses, physiotherapists and I had a neurologist who treated me as well. I injected myself daily with medications, I had times in hospital, MRI scans, and a lot of support from my GP.
Then in 2015 I was called in to see my neurologist who told me that I had been misdiagnosed and though I had neurological problems they would discharge me as it had been too long and they couldn’t look into it. So I was once again lost without a diagnosis, however my GP suspected Fibromyalgia and referred me to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me officially with fibromyalgia, but I have not seen that doctor since.
In the time since then I have not had a main doctor who has been a specialist and looked after me, I have seen physiotherapists a couple of times, and though I have been told by a couple of different people they suspect early arthritis of some kind I have not been referred to anyone. My migraines and headaches that are almost daily now have not been treated though I have told my GP about them, and I have asked to be referred to someone to be in charge of my illness and treatment I am still waiting.
I feel incredibly depressed and as if nobody cares, I am in constant pain, fatigue that leaves it impossible for me to do housework or gentle exercise daily, headaches leave me exhausted and I honestly hate it! I have all the same symptoms, if not more now than I did back then when my diagnosis changed and yet my treatment has gone from feeling supported and cared for to nothing. I feel as if nobody cares in the NHS that I am suffering and crying in pain at some point most days…and yet we do not have the money to go private it is not even an option.
I have no idea what I am meant to do in order for them to listen and care for me again, I am sick and tired of being so useless and lost and all I want is something more than more medications thrown at me. I feel let down by the NHS, either because of bad management or just lack of understanding about this complicated illness…but whatever it is I am left here feeling depressed and wanting to get a little of my life back so I can maybe help my husband more and feel like a functioning and worthwhile human, is that really asking too much?