daily blog

Tired but happy

tired-pup-1Hi everybody!

So the last few days I have not done too much just because I have been so tired after my busy weekend. I am starting to see myself come out of that now and I can also see myself not so teary which is great! I think a lot of my crying was because I was so frustrated with my health and that I was taking co-codamol which I realised was causing me to be very teary when I saw it was doing the same to my Nan.

Yesterday I had my hair cut, I went to the hairdressers feeling like I was exposed and my anxiety was probably at a 8 1/2 out of 10 and I felt very on edge. However I have been going to that hairdressers on and off since I was 14years old and they know me well and I felt very supported and cared for there. I love the cut, it is a lot shorter than I have had before, but it looks really pretty and gives me a Ginnifer Goodwin vibe.

Now anyone who knows me knows I love Snow White and I adore Ginny so it kind of feels nice to have my hair like hers again, if you want to see what it is like then just check out my instagram —-> over there or I am @cursedheartxx

As for politics, I am not going to say much, I am actually less shocked that Trump won than I am that America let’s a man being charged with raping a 13year old even run for president!


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