Mental Health

Feeling guilt with summer fatigue

Blog name over a picture of daises with Feeling guilt with summer fatigue written underneath
Photo by Niklas Veenhuis on Unsplash

Hey everybody!

Feeling guilt with summer fatigue is so hard, it seems to take all the motivation out of me! I am trying so hard to keep up with things but all I want to do is sleep and it is not good at all!

Here in the UK we are having something of a summer heatwave, and though I am sure a lot of people are really enjoying the sunshine and heat that we are having for a change it is very different for me. I have chronic illnesses that cause fatigue anyway, but when the sun comes out it can make my illnesses unstable and it very hard for me to keep up with the day to day tasks that I need to do.

Strong sunshine that pours through my kitchen is lovely, but if I am in there for longer than a few minutes I find myself fighting back a migraine. In fact, at the moment I have a halo of pain all around my head just threatening to hit me with a migraine at a minutes notice! I am having to use sunglasses just to get a glass of water at the moment and forget washing up where the sink overlooks the window!

Now I have been working hard recently on my mental health, on working with a therapist and with my faith to find ways of being kinder to myself. Things like mindfulness and chanting have made a huge difference to my negative thoughts and I am incredibly proud of myself. However, today I have basically slept most of it away and I feel like I have wasted a precious day I could have done some gentle yoga, maybe dusted the living room, but I have done nothing but watch Great British Bake Off like a Zombie!

Guilt is something everyone with chronic illnesses deal with, either it is pressure we put on ourselves or it is family or friends making comments. The pressure in society to be productive and to work, work, work is why most people now are coping with mental health issues I know this logically but when I am alone I still hear that voice in my head saying I should be doing more. I do hate it and I am trying so hard to be kind to myself and look after myself but I really need a little help!

I am determined to cope though because it looks like this hot weather is here to stay, and though I would love to stay inside like a hermit I have doctors and hospital appointments to get to. So I have been thinking about how best to stay cool and here are some of my ideas:

  1. Drink more water – might seem obvious but as it is hot I need to up my fluids intake and make sure I don’t get dehydrated
  2. Listen to my body – I need to slow down everything I do, I am not the fastest anyway, but I need to sit down more and make sure to listen when I need to rest
  3. Wear sunglasses – Yes even if I need them indoors it shouldn’t matter, I have to protect myself from migraines and keeping my eyes from being blasted by this bright sunshine is a great start
  4. Make sure to wear suncream if going outside – Many medications can make us more sensitive to the sun, but also I am mainly housebound so I need to remember I am not used to the sun and will burn easily
  5. Be patient – even people who are well are struggling in this heat so why do I think I won’t? I need to remember that and be patient with my body.

So wish me luck in working on the guilt that comes with not being able to help around the house, and if you have any tips and tricks for coping with this heat let me know down below?

Namaste xxx

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  • Jen @ The Frozen Mind

    We are having a hot, humid summer in the southern US as well. I have retreated to my dark bedroom with the air conditioning running and a fan! Then the afternoon thundershowers come rolling in and it just makes it worse.

    I know all about the guilt portion and it takes total effort not to just crawl in a hole sometimes.

    Great post!

    • ZombieButterfly

      Oh my goodness that weather sounds so awful to try and cope with I wish you so much luck for summer! Stay out of the hole xx

  • Kirsten

    I can totally relate to this post. We’re having a heatwave in Belgium too and it’s literally sucking all life out of me. I get more headaches and dizzyness from warm weather. It’s hard because I love the sun, it makes me happy but at the same time my body can’t handle it. I totally get what you mean with feeling guilty. I feel like I can’t do as much as usual and it’s a very frustrating feeling. Another tip to cool down is getting an ice pack. They’re helpful. x

    • ZombieButterfly

      Ooh an ice pack I will look into that for sure thank you! Yeah heat and the chronically ill do not mix roll on autumn! xx

  • Kim

    Yes!!! I’ve had fibro for over 20 years, but I’ve been struggling with horrific nausea and fatigue this summer and the guilt I go through makes (of course) everything worse. Years 2011 through 2015 I was basically bedridden due to idiopathic pancreatitis and my fibro wasnt an issue because of the ample amount of surgeries plus medications I had to rake just to survive the whole ordeal… but this summer… man, tough. I thought it was hormones or something. But a new medication is suspect. Then add the bright sun and heat. Definitely following your suggestions. Thank you! ~Kim

    • ZombieButterfly

      Oh sweetheart I hate hearing that you are struggling I really hope they find out why and get you back to feeling as fabulous as you are asap!! I am so glad I could help you keep fighting xx

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