Buddhism,  Mental Health,  You tube

New season new me

Photo by vision webagency on Unsplash

Hey everybody!

Yes September is here, the leaves are starting to turn, and there are Halloween decorations in the shops! It is my favourite time of the year, so much cosier and I absolutely love the relief of getting away from the heat of summer and the settling down of my symptoms.

As I usually do when there is a big change in weather, I have gone through my wardrobe and got rid of things…and replaced them with things from the sales! Usually I buy a couple of things and leave it at that but this time I have decided to change my style a lot more than I ever have before.

My style is usually grungy and hippy with not a lot of focus on what I wear because I rarely go out and even more rarely ever see anyone! However, after watching people on you tube who wear more of a vintage style and are confident enough to wear more feminine and less ‘fashionable’ clothing that can be found in charity shops and antique places.

Now I have always wanted to dress more 1930s-50s not rockabilly, but more authentic? However, I stand out a lot when I am in a wheelchair or using my walking stick and I kind of always wanted to hide away? Well no more!!!

If you watch my latest You tube video HERE then you will see some of the items I managed to get in sales to start off my collection. I am going to be thrifting and keeping my peepers peeled for cheap places to get this sort of clothing. I love that these pieces suit my hourglass shape more and they will not go out of fashion so I will be able to wear them without worry next year.

I have been changing things up a lot in my life recently and it feels so good to get motivated and get my style and our home looking more like we want it to. I feel so much more inspired and motivated, so maybe if you feel a bit stagnent it is time to clear things out and redecorate a room, or just donate some old clothes that you no longer wear?

Namaste xxx

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